Research tree
One of the biggest intrigue in the OpenXcom game is the research tree. Awesome Guns modification changes some researches and implements a lot of new ones. The main concept can be divided in four sections: Biology, Aircraft and conventional weapons, Laser weapons and Alien weapons.

Biological research
- Alien containment depends on alien biology which is necessary to understand how aliens live.
- The Alien food and Alien entertainment are necessary to prevent aliens from dying.
- The Alien biology opens the medical kit which can be manufactured from alien corpses.
- Researches the aliens corpses and interrogations are important. These researches are opening the alien weapons.
Aircraft and conventional weapon
- Improved interceptor (RAVEN) can be research at beginning. This aircraft has a great defence and does not consume Elerium.
- A lot of weapons from alien alloys were implemented for aircraft and battlefields.
- Electromagnetic cannon for aircraft and Rail sniper gun can be investigated in the middle of the game.
- Bullets from alien alloys which have a great power.
- Bullets from CHRYSSALID acid can be used against alien tanks.
- Elerium bullets that can blast enemy.
- New armours with different opportunities for soldiers.
- and more other innovations...
Laser weapon
- Laser technology depends on Elerium and UFO Power Source.
- Research of laser weapon starts from craft cannon and laser tank.
- Laser weapons production consumes Elerium.

Alien weapon
- Research of alien weapon depends on interrogation. Alien soldier, engineer and medic are necessary to move forward.
- The alien weapons are controlled by mind, therefore alien weapons can not be used by humans without changing.
- The plasma pistols and plasma rifles can be converted for using in combats.
- The heavy plasma and blaster bombs can not be used in combats, but can be used in manufacturing weapons for aircraft.
- The stun grenade can be manufactured from alien stun bomb.
- Defence facilities based on alien technologies cannot be build, but the Rocket and Laser facilities were improved.